Personalised facial cleansing
Proper facial cleansing for a clean and radiant face
Make an appointment and we will advise you
The first consultation is free of charge!
Personalised facial cleansing... Our speciality
Facial cleansing is perhaps the most common treatment in beauty salons and it is also one of the most important. That is why, in Todo en Belleza, we have specialised in offering the best professional facials in Madrid. Un rostro limpio es el primer paso para tener una piel sana y libre de imperfecciones, pero no todos los rostros son iguales y, por lo tanto, cada piel necesita unos cuidados diferentes.
We choose the most suitable facial cleansing for you based on what your skin needs. It can be oxygenating, soothing, moisturising, nourishing... Whether it is with a diamond base, black orchid, honey, vitamins, etc. our facial cleanses are carried out with care, by experienced professionals, in a healthy and relaxing environment.
Natural and environmentally friendly active ingredients
For our facial cleansing products, we choose active ingredients from nature, extracted from the sea, flowers, fruits and plants. They are perfectly developed and formulated to guarantee efficacy and safety, in compliance with health safety and environmental protection regulations.
We use steam, opening enzymes or ultrasonic spatula depending on the sensitivity of the skin. In addition, we include oxygen vaporisation in all cleanings to give elasticity to the skin, soothing it after an extraction.
No pain or redness
The main objective of our facials is to improve the health and general appearance of the skin on your face, but we also want it to be an experience of comfort and relaxation for you. That is why our cleansings are always painless and without redness, so that once you leave our centre you can continue with your life without visible marks on your face.
Choosing the right treatment for you is our challenge.
Our wish is, that your satisfaction is complete.
Ask for an appointment and we will advise you
The first consultation is free of charge!
Política de Privacidad
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