Clear + Brilliant in Madrid
Clear + Brilliant, laser technology for a radiant face
Your face luminous and glowing
Clear + Brilliant helps prevent the visible signs of ageing and treats the effects of time and environmental conditions to keep your skin looking radiant.
The Clear + Brilliant treatment effectively cares for the skin where you need it most and helps to restore the glow of youthful skin. The technique is comfortable, fast, effective and at a very affordable price, it prevents the signs of ageing or keeps skin looking younger.
Brighter, a glowing face
Clear + Brilliant is a highly effective proactive laser treatment to help keep skin looking youthful. Based on innovative fractional laser technology, Clear + Brilliant is perfect for patients who want to refresh their appearance, help address the signs of ageing and do everything possible to keep their skin looking younger and radiant. It is a laser that accompanied by the right cosmetics can eliminate melasma.
Benefits of Clear + Brilliant
- A luminous skin tone
- A renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
- More radiant looking skin
- Minimal convalescence time

What can Clear+Brilliant do for you?
Although results vary, our clients often report younger looking skin and radiant skin after treatmen
What can you expect?
Clear + Brilliant is a very advanced technology, but getting a Clear + Brilliant treatment is very simple.
A typical Clear + Brilliant treatment
- Start with a consultation to see if Clear + Brilliant is right for you.
- Approximately 30 minutes is required for the full treatment.
- It may sometimes involve the application of an anaesthetic cream, on delicate skin, to provide additional comfort.
- Our practitioner will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant handpiece across the target area and actively treat your skin for approximately 15-20 minutes.
- Uses patented Intelligent Optical Tracking technology to ensure proper skin contact for even application to all treated areas.

The science of Clear + Brilliant
Utilising fractional laser technology, the Clear + Brilliant laser system creates a matrix of microscopic lesions on the surface of the skin with each pass of the handpiece. This patented pattern of micro-lesions is created by the Intelligent Optical Tracking System (IOTS). These microscopic lesions are surrounded by large areas of healthy skin to help promote rapid healing with little or no social downtime..

Frequently asked questions about Clear + Brilliant
What kind of results can be expected?
Your skin will feel smoother and will have a better tone, texture and radiance.
In addition, other benefits of the treatment are:
- The skin will look naturally radiant and luminous.
- Skin tone will be visibly more luminous
- A renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
- Skin that looks Clear + Brilliance
When are the results noticeable and how long do they last?
The results of the treatment are both immediate and progressive. A few days after the treatment, the skin will begin to feel smoother, look brighter and show a more even tone. Results can last for months depending on age, skin condition and how the client protects their skin.
What is the price of Clear + Brilliant?
The price depends on the number of treatments and varies greatly from one centre to another. At Todo en Belleza we guarantee you the best price in Madrid.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments is tailored to your skincare concerns and desires. Visible improvements are seen after 3-6 treatments, although our clients usually opt for routine treatments as part of their overall skincare regime.
How long does the treatment last?
Clear + Brilliant treatments last about 20 minutes or less. The total appointment time will vary.
How does Clear + Brilliant work?
Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that renews your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates millions of microscopic treatment spots in the upper layers of the skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger-looking tissue.
What is Clear + Brilliant?
Clear + Brilliant is a unique treatment that uses fractional laser technology to address the early signs of skin ageing and help prevent them.
Resolvemos tus dudas
¿Tienes alguna duda? ¿Que tratamiento es adecuado para ti? ¿Qué precio tiene un tratamiento? Llámanos al 91 889 44 55 o completa el formulario y contactaremos contigo. Indícanos si prefieres que contactemos por correo electrónico o por teléfono y si tienes preferencia por algún horario.
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