Combating facial flaccidity
The most advanced technology at your disposal in Madrid
Make an appointment and we will advise you
The first consultation is free of charge!
How to combat facial sagging
Flaccidity appears mainly due to skin ageing, but many other factors influence this process, such as a poor diet, poor in proteins, which are necessary to give firmness to the dermis.
The main cause of flaccidity is the loss of collagen and elastin; substances that are responsible for providing tone and firmness. This loss is mainly caused by skin ageing, but other factors influence this process, such as a poor diet, the use of unsuitable products and other external agents such as the sun or environmental pollution.
A healthy and properly hydrated skin is the best solution to prevent and correct flaccidity in its initial stages and fortunately today, we have non-invasive and very effective aesthetic treatments to reactivate the natural production of new collagen and elastin that will make us go back in time to look younger, without altering the morphology of our face with injections or surgeries.
We never stop looking because we want the best and most effective for you. Here is the best selection of treatments that you can find for combat flaccidity of your face.
Choosing the right treatment for you is our challenge.
Our wish is, that your satisfaction is complete.
Treatments combat flaccidity from the face.
Ask for an appointment and we will advise you
The first consultation is free of charge!
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