Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal Madrid
Candela's Alexandrite GENTLELASE is the most advanced medical laser hair removal device on the market.
Get rid of hair forever
For beautiful and hair-free skin it is ESSENTIAL to undergo permanent laser hair removal treatments with the Medical Alexandrite Laser.
Why Alexandrite is better
Alexandrite, unlike other methods such as diode light, has a selective and adjustable focus. This allows the use of different powers, which varies depending on the area to be epilated. It also uses a significantly smaller wavelength which allows it to destroy the hair follicle more effectively.
These characteristics make it ideal for depilating small areas such as the armpits or bikini line. In addition, it is ideal for fair skin with very fine and weak hair, with very light tones, which are inaccessible to other technologies, which makes this laser ideal for removing facial hair in people with fair skin.
Benefits of Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal
- Very effective and fast treatment
- Hair removal for all skin types
- Eliminates beard bumps
- Removes pigmented lesions and varicose veins
- Requires fewer treatments for permanent removal
The Alexandrite Laser procedure
It is the device par excellence for laser hair removal on any type of skin according to the Fitzpatrick scale. It is a dual wavelength laser platform that combines the 755 nm Alexandrite laser, the most powerful and fastest laser available, with the equally powerful 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, for high performance treatment in terms of speed, efficacy, ease of use, productivity, safety and patient satisfaction.
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