Eliminate localized fat
The most advanced technology at your disposal in Madrid
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How to eliminate localised fat
Localised fat is the accumulation of adipose tissue that occurs in certain areas of the body. It occurs in both men and women, although it is more common in women because female hormones (oestrogen) favour this accumulation. In men, this localised fat tends to appear in the upper half of the body and in women in the lower half, especially in the hips, flanks, outer thighs and inner knees.
Genetic factors are involved in this accumulation of localised fat, but above all, lifestyle habits are a determining factor in its appearance. If we eat more than we spend, the excess calories are converted into triglycerides that will be stored in adipocytes, which grow (and grow a lot) and reproduce to store them.
Is it possible to lose localised fat through exercise? The answer is NO. We can lose fat by exercising, but we cannot choose the area. We can do hundreds of sit-ups and lose fat only from the hips, calves or even internal organs. It is the body that decides.
Fortunately, there are aesthetic treatments that allow you to remove localised fat from the most difficult areas. We never stop looking because we want the best and most effective for you. Here is the best selection of treatments that you can find for reducing localised fat.
Choosing the right treatment for you is our challenge.
Our wish is, that your satisfaction is complete.Treatments to eliminate localised fat
Ask for an appointment and we will advise you
The first consultation is free of charge!
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